jueves, 10 de marzo de 2011

1. Mention some laws achieved by workers in England improving their work conditions.

• The workers in England achieved by protest better working conditions, interest for better treatment of workers. Trade unions, insure members against unemployment, ill, health ageand funeral expenses. Better wages, 8 hours labour-8 hours recreation-8 hours rest.
2. What happened the first of May?

• The First of May of 1886 a lot of workers (anarchist trade unionists) protest on a strike in Chicago to implant 8 hours labour, they were killed and Socialist Workers' Congress of the Second International established this day for remember theese people and improve the conditions of workers.
3. Look for information about the suffragettes. Who was Emily Davison?

• The suffragettes was a movement conductes by suffragettes women that claim the social reform, economic and political that promote the sufrage, the right to vote for women.

• Emily Wilding Davison was a militant women's suffrage activist.