1. Mention some laws achieved by workers in England improving their work conditions.
• The workers in England achieved by protest better working conditions, interest for better treatment of workers. Trade unions, insure members against unemployment, ill, health ageand funeral expenses. Better wages, 8 hours labour-8 hours recreation-8 hours rest.
Sandra Romero
jueves, 10 de marzo de 2011
2. What happened the first of May?
• The First of May of 1886 a lot of workers (anarchist trade unionists) protest on a strike in Chicago to implant 8 hours labour, they were killed and Socialist Workers' Congress of the Second International established this day for remember theese people and improve the conditions of workers.
• The First of May of 1886 a lot of workers (anarchist trade unionists) protest on a strike in Chicago to implant 8 hours labour, they were killed and Socialist Workers' Congress of the Second International established this day for remember theese people and improve the conditions of workers.
3. Look for information about the suffragettes. Who was Emily Davison?
• The suffragettes was a movement conductes by suffragettes women that claim the social reform, economic and political that promote the sufrage, the right to vote for women.
• Emily Wilding Davison was a militant women's suffrage activist.
• The suffragettes was a movement conductes by suffragettes women that claim the social reform, economic and political that promote the sufrage, the right to vote for women.
• Emily Wilding Davison was a militant women's suffrage activist.
domingo, 7 de noviembre de 2010
sábado, 23 de octubre de 2010
Imaxina - John Lennon
Imaxina que non existise o ceo,
é fácil se o intentas.
Ningún inferno debaixo de nós,
só o ceo enriba nosa.
Imaxina a toda a xente
vivindo o de hoxe.
Imaxina que non houbese países,
isto non é difícil de facer.
Ninguén por quen matar ou morrer,
nin tampouco a relixión.
Imaxina a toda a xente
vivindo a vida en paz.
Podes dicir que son un soñador,
pero non son o único.
Eu desexo que algún día te unas a nós
e o mundo será como un só.
Imaxina que non hai posesións.
Eu quixera saber si puideses,
sen ningunha necesidade de codicia e fame,
unha irmandade de homes.
Imaxina a toda a xente
compartíndoo con todo o mundo.
Podes dicir que son un soñador,
pero non son o único.
Eu desexo que algún día te unas a nós
e o mundo será como un só.
jueves, 21 de octubre de 2010
Vietnam War
The Vietnam War (1955-1975) was a battle between the Republic of Vietnam (South Vietnam, supported by the USA) and Democratic Republic of Vietnam (North Vietnam, supported by Communist bloc). On the side of North Vietnam died ten times more than the side of the South. Finished the war and the North as winner, the War of Vietnam was marked in the society like the second defeat of U.S., before the Korean War. Both sides violated the Human Rights, especially on the side of U. S. and so grew the occidental public opposition against USA action.
"Vietnam Veterans Memorial" (Washington D.C.)
domingo, 17 de octubre de 2010
Children life in Victorian times
The Victorian era of the United Kingdom was the period of Queen Victoria's reign (June 1837 - January 1901). The reign was a long period of prosperity for the British people, as profits gained from the overseas British Empire, the industrial improvements at home,that led to an educated middle class to develop. The Victorian era became very important for the employment of children, they started to work very early in factories and mines. The poor children were expected to help towards the family budget, often working long hours in dangerous jobs for low wages. The skillful boys were employed by the chimney sweeps; small children were employed to scramble under machinery to retrieve cotton bobbins; and children were also employed to work in coal mines, crawling through tunnels too narrow and low for adults. Children also worked in other works such as services and some children worked as apprentices to respectable trades, such as building, or as domestic servants .So working hours were very long and so hard for the children.
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